4. Growth programs and internationalization


Flashcards on 4. Growth programs and internationalization, created by Nils von der Heide on 07/12/2018.
Nils von der Heide
Flashcards by Nils von der Heide, updated more than 1 year ago
Nils von der Heide
Created by Nils von der Heide over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What can you gain, only if the total added value is increased? Profitable competitive advantage
How does outsider ship occur? Because of dissimilarities between the new regional area and the firm’s previously existing portfolio
Name possible outcomes of international growth! - destroying advantage (Higher costs, lower value) - create advantage (lower costs, higher value)
Name four regional area dissimilarities and an example for each! CAGE: - Cultural ( language, religion, values) - Admin/Institutional (government, corruption) - Geographic (time zone, distance) - Economic (techn. advantage, economic development)
What are different cooperation modes (with partner)? - without own subsidiary: - franchising - licensing - with own subsidiary (joint venture): - Greenfield JV - Acquisition JV
There are two different possibilities how a firm can create advantages, name them! - Transferability of advantages/synergies - Relevance advantage (firm specific environment settings)
How can growth programs be characterized? by timely configuration of single cross-border steps
Name three different timing strategies for growth programs! - sequential approach - parallel approach - combined approach
Name 4 Criteria to evaluate timing approaches! - urgency (how time critical to expand in future) - path dependency (depends on future strategies) - constraints (limitations of firms resources) - complexity (occurs, if demand for mgmt goes beyond capacity)
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