Phrasal Verbs Part 2


First Certificate Englisch Flashcards on Phrasal Verbs Part 2, created by Chiara Braun on 03/05/2016.
Chiara Braun
Flashcards by Chiara Braun, updated more than 1 year ago
Chiara Braun
Created by Chiara Braun over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
die away diminish in intensity
die down diminish in intensity
die off/out become extinct
disagree with cause to feel sick due to food or drink
do away with abolish
do over repeat
do without manage without something one wants or needs
draw up create ( a contract)
dress down reprimand severely
dress down dress casually
dress up decorate
dress up wear elegant clothes
drive back repulse
drop in visit someone unexpectedly
drop in on visit someone unexpectedly
drop out quit an organized activity
drop over visit someone casually
eat away gradually destroy, erode
eat up devour
eat in eat inside the home
eat out eat outside the home
face up to acknowledge something difficult or embarrassing
fall back on be able to use in case of emergency
fall behind go slower than scheduled, lag
fall behind in go slower than scheduled, lag
fall off decrease
fall out with have an argument with
fall through fail to happen
feel up grope
feel up to have the energy to do something
figure on expect
figure out solve something, understand
figure up calculate
fill in substitute
fill in for substitute for
fill out complete (an application)
fill out mature, get breasts
fill up fill to the top
find out discover
find out discover
fix up repair, renovate, remodel
get across cause to be understood
get ahead make progress
get ahead of surpass
get along have a good relationship
get along with have a good relationship
get around avoid someone or something
get around go many places
get away escape
get away with do something against the rules or illegal and not get caught or punished
get by survive without having the things you need or want
get by on survive with minimal resources
get by with manage with
get down to get serious about a topic
get in enter ( a car, a small boat)
get in enter
get off send (a package)
get off remove ( a spider from your shirt)
get off leave (a bus, plane, train, boat)
get off leave
get off idiomatic phrase - How does he justify saying that?!
get on put on (clothes)
get on enter (a bus, train), mount (a horse, a bike)
get on have a good relationship
get on with have a good relationship
get on with continue an activity
get out of exit (a small boat, car, an enclosed area)
get over recover (a cold, a disease, an ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend)
get through complete
get through penetrate
get through (with) finish
get through to make contact
get up cause someone to rise (from a sitting position or a lying position)
give away give something without asking for anything in exchange
give away betray (a secret)
give back return something you borrowed
give in stop trying
give off release (a smell, light)
give out distribute
give out become very tired (inf.)
give up surrender something
go away leave
go back return
go by go past, go close to, visit quickly
go back on not keep (one's word, a promise)
go down decrease
go for try to achieve
go for idiomatic phrase - I am craving pepperoni pizza.
go in for participate ( inf.)
go into discuss in detail
go off explode
go off begin, start (used with signals, alarms, warning sounds)
go off stop (said of a machine
go off become angry
go on continue
go on happen
go on with continue ( a plan, a conversation
go out stop burning ( a fire)
go out take part in social activities (usually at night)
go over review
go over be well received, succeed
go through examine in detail, study carefully
go through endure; experience challenges, difficulties or traumas
go through with continue or proceed despite difficulties or fears
go with match (clothing)
go with accompany a person
go with have a boyfriend/girlfriend
go without abstain from something you want or need
grow under go out of business
grow up mature
hand back return
hand down formally announce a decision
hand down give as an inheritance
hand in submit
hand out distribute
hand over relinquish control of
hang around stay in a place for fun ( inf.)
hang around stay in a place for fun
hang up suspend (clothes on a hanger)
hang up put down the telephone receiver
hang out stay in a place for fun (inf.)
hang out stay in a place for fun
have on wear
have over invite guests to your home
hear of know about something or somebody
hit on find on accident
hit on flirt with
hold back restrain
hold back not allow to advance in school
hold off restrain
hold off on delay
hold on grasp tightly
hold on tell someone to wait on the telephone
hold on to grasp tightly
hold out not give in, continue to resist
hold up delay (a flight, traffic);
hold up rob (a bank, a person) with a weapon
hook up make the electrical connections required for a machine or information service
iron out eliminate
keep around have handy, have accessible
keep at not give up (an activity), to persevere
keep away prevent access to, hold back
keep back maintain a safe distance, cause to maintain a safe distance
keep down not vomit, not throw up, keep in one's stomach
keep in keep in a particular place, have something in a specific location
keep off prevent from stepping or climbing on to something
keep on continue
keep out prevent from entering
keep over cover something with, put something above
keep to continue, persist in (an activity)
keep up stay on the required schedule
keep up continue
keep up with stay on schedule with (a person, the workload, homework)
kick back sit or lie back (to relax)
kick in begin taking effect
lay away save for the future
lay down establish (laws, rules)
lay in on scold or criticize severely
lay into scold or criticize severely
let down disappoint
lie down rest, recline
light up to smoke
look after take care of (a child, a house, a pet)
look for to seek or search for
look forward to anticipate with pleasure
look into look into
look up to respect, admire someone
make out write a check or other document
make out succeed
make out progress
make over do again
make * up invent ( a story
nod off fall asleep
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