TESTED - Common idioms and expressions used in tourism


Skills for Life Englisch Flashcards on TESTED - Common idioms and expressions used in tourism, created by Jenny Bauer on 12/05/2016.
Jenny Bauer
Flashcards by Jenny Bauer, updated more than 1 year ago
Jenny Bauer
Created by Jenny Bauer over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Don't pack a lot of items. Bring only what you need. "Please ... tomorrow. We have a lot of Walking to do." travel light
Depart / Begin a tour "We will ... as soon as the bus driver arrives." hit the road
wrong way / away from the main road or route "Don't go .... There are some dangerous areas in this City." off track
be careful / pay attention to people arround you ""Keep your wallet in a safe place and ... on the subway." watch your back
finish an activity or tour / go home or back to the Hotel "You all look tired. Let's ...." call it a day
go more quickli "We'll Need to ... if we want to catch the four o'clock bus." get a move on
a full schedule / no free time "We have ... tomorrow, so get a good rest tonight." a full plate
very early in the morning "We'll Need to leave ... to catch the first Ferry." bright and early OR first thing
wait patiently for a Moment "Please ... until the driver Returns." hang on OR hang tight
introduces the action to take when no other Option is successful " ..., call the police." If worse comes to wors OR if all else fails
a bargain or very cheap "That car is a ... at 10 000$." a steal
a 10 bedroom or less home converted into a hotel for a short stay that is going to be romantic "We stayed at a lovely little ... for our honeymoon." B and B (bed and breakfast)
to make a reservation "All the Hotels will be booked solid for the convention, so you better ... a room ... ." book in advance
to be comletely full / None available "All the hotels will be ... for the convention so you better book a room in advance." booked solid OR booked up
to lay in the sun to get a suntan "I'm going to the beach to ..." catch some rays OR soak up some sun
family trip taken for pleasure "We're going on a ... to the park this Weekend." family outing
to leave your home, work, stress etc. and go somewhere peaceful "My vacation starts next week and i can't wait to ... ." Get away from it all OR Get away for a few days
A book Information about a place used by toruists "I am going to London for the first time, so i bought a ... so I can pick out the sights I want to visit." Guidebook
Go in direction of "The first Thing I am going to do when I get to Hawaii is ... the beach" head for
to go out and have fun "New Orleans is a great place to ... during Mardi Gras." hit the town
to get a ride from a passing motorist / to make a sign with one's thumb that indivates to passing Drivers that one is asking for a ride "... is a very dangerous way to travel." Hitchhike OR Thumbing it
finding love while on vacation "My parents had a ... when they first met." holiday romance
to be very tired after a long plane flight due to the change in time zones as well as the flight itself "I was ... for 3 whole days after flying from New York to Tokyo." jet lag
to stop and relax "I am going to ... and relax this Weekend." kick back
to organize "I am going to ... with my girlfriend for this Weekend." line something up
to live in a very comfortable way "Whenever I vacation in the Philippines I ... because everything there is so cheap." live like a king
to stay very briefly in several places, never unpacking one's luggage "My father is a traveling salesman and he usually ... ." live out of a suitcase
stomach cramps, Nausea, bloating and diarrhoea "I made the mistake of drinking the water when I was in Mexico and now I am suffering from ... " Montezuma's Revenger
very little money "Our family vacation was planned ... budget so we will not be staying in any fancy hotels." on a shoestring
a place which is not frequently visited or not widely known "During my trip to Paris, I went ... to experience the culture better than average Tourist." off the beaten track
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must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
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