
Note on EMPEZAMOS A REPASAR LIBRO B1, created by bruno esuiva escobedo on 27/10/2015.
bruno esuiva escobedo
Note by bruno esuiva escobedo, updated more than 1 year ago
bruno esuiva escobedo
Created by bruno esuiva escobedo almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

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LIBRO B1 QUE VOY VIENDO. TO TAKE/TOMAR O LLEVAR FALL/CAER STRANG/EXTRANO ANNOYING/MOLESTO EITHER/ YA SEA/UNO O TRO ALTHOUGH/ A PESAR FIXING/ARREGLANDO FORWARD/ADELANTE HAND /ENTREGAR/DELIVER ATTENTION TO THIS · CORRECT: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? QUE HACES? · INCORRECT: WHAT ARE YO DO? LIST OF UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS For example= you can not say; im going to give you an advised because is it incountable. Utlizamos some para algunos o a piece para uno en concreto AQUI HAY ERRORES NORMALES YA QUE PARA EL CIUDADANO ESPANOL SON CONTABLES . 1. ADVICE 2. INFORMATION 3. NEWS 4. FURNITURE 5. BREAD MILK-WATER-RICE-MONEY-SUGAR-WINE ===SOME O ANY=== BOTH WORDS CAN BE USED WITH CON/UNCON Normally we use any ? and negative Some with affirmative ===MUCH/MANY=== Uncountable/countable A LOT OF Se utiliza en frases afirmativas, delante de un sustantivo: · Contable en plural: I have got a lot of books. · Incontable (singular): I have got a lot of work. Much Se utiliza en frases interrogativas y negativas, delante de un sustantivo incontable (singular): How much water is there in the swimming-pool? There isn’t much water in the swimming-pool. Many Se utiliza en frases interrogativas y negativas, delante de un sustantivo contable en plural: How many apples are there in the basket? There aren’t many apples in the basket. Observaciones: En inglés oral, a lot of también puede ser utilizado en frases interrogativas y negativas: Have you got a lot of books? // We haven’t got a lot of time. Little ,few Little can only be used with uncountable nouns Few with countables

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