Total Institutions Erving Goffman


Mindmap am Total Institutions Erving Goffman, erstellt von kerrypierson1 am 05/09/2013.
Mindmap von kerrypierson1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kerrypierson1 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Total Institutions Erving Goffman
  1. The inmate role
    1. On admission to an institution people are stripped of past lives lose what made them individual and the roles they once had, bathing, weighing medical examinations, lose personal belongings and given institution clothes and violations of privacy
      1. Instead they have the role imposed on them the insititution has chosen for them
    2. Batch Living
      1. People treated as if they are all the same
        1. No individuality, no freedom - controlled by strict rules
          1. do things together as a large batch , all treated the same often do things at the same time to stick to timetable, no personal choice, no free time and no choice of companions
      2. Binary Management
        1. Staff and inmates controlled and kept seperate by two different set of rules
          1. Treat each other with suspiscion
            1. Staff feel superior and inmates inferior
              1. Staff have power and use distance as social weapon and with hold information
                1. Inmates are dependent and feel inferior and weak
        2. Institutional Perspective
          1. The institutional way of life takes over
            1. Determines the way in which inmates and staff experience and understand their lives, denies individual point of view
              1. often through events and activities designed to create a sense of community - house magazines and dances/ football
          2. What is a Total institution? Jones and Fowles (1984)
            1. Erving Goffamn 1961
              1. * Place of work/ residence * Many people in same situtaion *Cut off from society * enclosed from formal life
                1. Continuum : open closed - Total institution is closed end of continuum - completely emcompassing
                  1. Actually no institution is completely closed, since non residents cross boundaries.
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