texas christen university


Mindmap am texas christen university, erstellt von Aden Alcantar am 17/01/2020.
Aden Alcantar
Mindmap von Aden Alcantar, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aden Alcantar
Erstellt von Aden Alcantar vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

texas christen university
  1. fortworth texas
    1. very close to home
    2. the sports
      1. 49,247 a year
        1. kinda expensive and may need to start saving upfor this college
        2. high grades and sports
          1. the recreation center to pass time and met new people
          2. take a year off from school then going to college
            1. offers many degrees and majors to be in
              1. i keep trying and never give up on what i want to achieve
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