Intervention in cases of dyscalculia


Mindmap am Intervention in cases of dyscalculia, erstellt von diiego.92 am 05/05/2015.
Mindmap von diiego.92, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von diiego.92 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Intervention in cases of dyscalculia
  1. Cognitive intervention
    1. The child must develop
      1. symbolic function
        1. Compression of the reversibility
          1. Concept number
            1. Correct perception of time and space
              1. mathematical Reasoning
                1. phases
                  1. problem analysis
                    1. representation of the problem
                      1. planning
                        1. execution
                          1. widespread problem
                      2. methodological guidance
                        1. Customizing teaching
                          1. Task Analysis
                            1. Supporting the calculation
                              1. automation
                                1. mathematical representation
                              2. Neuropsychological rehabilitation
                                1. Skill development
                                  1. body image
                                    1. laterality
                                      1. motor patterns
                                        1. balance
                                          1. rhythm
                                            1. attention
                                              1. executive functions
                                              2. manuals
                                                1. RED Collection
                                                  1. Progresint Collection
                                                  2. Intervention Programs
                                                    1. frosting
                                                      1. perceptive - visual
                                                      2. PIAAR-R
                                                        1. attention and flexibility
                                                        2. Amestoy
                                                          1. executive functions
                                                        3. Games
                                                          1. Tangram
                                                            1. Bow
                                                          2. treatment
                                                            1. Earliest intervention
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                                                            ähnlicher Inhalt

                                                            EU, OHG, KG, GmbH
                                                            Stefan Kurtenbach
                                                            Säure-Basen- Theorie
                                                            Lisa-Maria Hauschild
                                                            Yvonne Heitland
                                                            Vetie Tierhaltung und -hygiene Quiz 2012
                                                            Elisabeth Tauscher
                                                            EC- Entwicklungspsychologie 1
                                                            Michael B
                                                            Vetie PathoHisto 2018
                                                            Juliane Arendt
                                                            AVO & Klinische Pharmakologie 2013
                                                            Birte Schulz
                                                            Msm-4 Foliensatz 3 Kapitel 3
                                                            Rabia Erdogan
                                                            Vetie: Geflügelkrankheiten 2018
                                                            Johanna Tr
                                                            Vetie Milchhygiene 2022
                                                            Maite J