Beliefs about research


This mind map includes key words in relation to the survey "Beliefs about research". It was applied to 4 participants: 1 male and 3 females with a higher education degree.
Gali Lemon
Mindmap von Gali Lemon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Gali Lemon
Erstellt von Gali Lemon vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Beliefs about research
  1. What is research?
    1. Systematic procedures
      1. To solve a hypothesis
        1. Collecting data
        2. Purpose of conducting research
          1. Find out inforamtion
            1. Analyze and test
              1. Make an analysis about a specific situation
                1. Provide evidence about empirical knowledge
                2. Types of research
                  1. Qualitative and quantitative
                    1. According to the field of study
                      1. Primary and secondary
                      2. Steps needed to conduct research
                        1. Select topic
                          1. Establish objectives
                            1. Hypotheses
                              1. Theoretical framework
                                1. Methodology
                                  1. Results
                                    1. Conclusions
                        2. Significant experiences conducting research
                          1. The participants have experienced researching
                            1. Thesis dissertations
                              1. Other purposes
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