

k235 - Dementia Care Mindmap am Ethics, erstellt von Nicky24 am 18/04/2013.
Mindmap von Nicky24, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Nicky24 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Four ethical principles - Identified by Beauchamp and Childress
    1. Autonomy
      1. Respecting a persons choice Paternalism acts against autonomy and limits a persons freedom, while acting in there best interests (beneficence)
      2. Justice
        1. Being able to justify your actions
        2. Beneficence
          1. 'Doing good', & acting in the best interests of another person
          2. Non-Malfeasance
            1. 'Doing no harm'. do not kill or cause pain or suffering
          3. Advanced directives
            1. Allows a patients Autonomy to be respected
              1. Dresser & Pratt argues we should not deny patients the opportunity to change there minds.
                1. Harris & Bennett argues that ignoring advanced directives shows a lack of compassion towards the whole person.
              2. Capacity and decision Making
                1. A persons capacity to make decisio is judged on there understanding of medical condition, its treatment options, and being able to retain information
                  1. Mental Capacity Act 2005 states that every one is seen as having 'capacity', unless proved otherwise.
                  2. What make 'a good death'?
                    1. DelVecchio believes a good death exists only when the patients personhood is acknowledged and valued.
                      1. Kellehear believes deaths due to dementia is shameful, yet palliative care could help ensure death is 'appropriate'.
                      2. What is Ethics?
                        1. The study of morality is called 'ethics'. Based on moral judgements about what should or should not be done in any given situation.
                        2. Consequentialism
                          1. Ethical theory about doing something so long as it has good consequences. and the ends justify the means.
                          2. Deontology
                            1. Examples of deontology are the four ethical principles.
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