Rocks & Weathering


Mindmap am Rocks & Weathering, erstellt von helenfines am 27/04/2013.
Mindmap von helenfines, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von helenfines vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Rocks & Weathering
  1. Rocks = mixtures of minerals
    1. Sedimentary
      1. Sediment grains stuck & deposited- soft / crumbly
        1. eg. Sandstone
        2. Porous
        3. Metamorphic
          1. Interlocking crystals due to high temp & pressure
            1. Eg. Slate
            2. Hard, smooth, shiny
              1. Non-Porous
              2. Igneous
                1. Interlocking crystals
                  1. Molten rock cools & solidifies
                    1. Very hard
                      1. eg. Granite
                      2. Non-Porous
                      3. Porous rocks
                        1. Grains = gaps so water / air gets in
                          1. Bubbles appear if put in water, as air escapes
                            1. Mass increases in water
                        2. Non-Porous rocks
                          1. Interlocking = no gaps for air / water
                        3. Physical Weathering
                          1. Temp breaks down rocks
                            1. Freeze-thaw
                              1. Onion skin - expand contract
                            2. Landscapes & Weathering
                              1. Scree slope at bottom of cliffs as breakdown & fall
                              2. Rain & Weathering
                                1. Rain = acidic - chemical weathering on rocks
                                  1. Pollution eg. sulphur dioxide = speeds up weathering
                                    1. Rocks change colour
                                2. Transportation
                                  1. Pieces of rock - transported by glaciers
                                    1. Glaciers = slow moving rivers of ice
                                      1. Rocks carried then deposited when melting
                                        1. Smaller rocks carried further
                                  2. Evaporates
                                    1. Salts in water evapotae - leave sediment
                                    2. Fossils
                                      1. Remains of plants & animals in sedimentary rocks
                                        1. Fossil fuels = coal, oil, gas - take millions of years to form & non-renewable
                                          1. Contribute warming when burned
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