outcome 2 and 3


2. explain how day and night work 3. explain the seasons in the terms of the tilt of the earths xis and it revoloution around the sun
Mindmap von dmilliem, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von dmilliem vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

outcome 2 and 3


  • \ means too / means away
  1. rotates on own axis
    1. takes 24 hours to complete full rotation
      1. 12hrs day 12 hours night
    2. earth orbits around sun
      1. axis tilted approx 23.5 degrees in relation 2 orbit.
        1. south pole tilted \ sun ( summer in southern hemphisphere)
          1. sun rays contract in smaller area so more sunlight on s.hemph
            1. in northern hemphispere, sun hits at an angle- over larger area (winter)
              1. southern hemph and northern hemph are opposites.
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