The Lymphatic system


Mindmap am The Lymphatic system, erstellt von Aoife Marley am 27/09/2016.
Aoife Marley
Mindmap von Aoife Marley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aoife Marley
Erstellt von Aoife Marley vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Lymphatic system
  1. Secondary circulatory system but no pump
    1. transports lymph (fluid)
    2. lymph vessel
      1. lymphaties
        1. thin walls
          1. large lumen
            1. valves present
            2. bl
            3. Lymph
              1. -fluid
                1. rich in lymphocytes fat
                2. no red blood cells or plale
                3. lymph node
                  1. swellings
                    1. in different parts of the body
                    2. filter lymph
                      1. mature white blood cells
                        1. store antibodies
                          1. defence system
                          2. functions of lymphatic system
                            1. transports lipids
                              1. absorbs + transports tissue fluid to maintain constant blood volume
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