Studying Society


Sociology Mindmap am Studying Society, erstellt von poppymcevoy am 01/05/2013.
Mindmap von poppymcevoy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von poppymcevoy vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Studying Society
  1. Theories
    1. Consensus
      1. Feminist
        1. Functionalist
        2. Conflict
          1. Marxist
          2. Social class
          3. Sampling
            1. Random
              1. Names out of a Hat
              2. Stratisfied
                1. Mirror the distribution
                2. Systematic
                  1. Using a frame
                  2. Quota
                    1. Age,gender, ethnicity
                    2. Snowball
                      1. It gets bigger
                      2. Opportunistic
                        1. Giving questions to anyone
                      3. Social process
                        1. Norms and values
                          1. Secondary
                            1. Relationships with individuals
                            2. Primary
                              1. Family
                                1. Childhood
                                2. Social control
                                  1. Learning rules threw your family,culture
                                3. Qualitative methods
                                  1. Written up
                                    1. Methods
                                      1. Open questionnaire
                                        1. Unstructured interview
                                          1. Observation
                                          2. Listening to clips,texts and what they've heard then writing it up
                                          3. Quantitive methods
                                            1. Presented as numbers
                                              1. Analysed by statistical methods
                                                1. Trends being highlighted
                                                  1. Questionnaires
                                                    1. Structured interviews
                                                    2. other
                                                      1. testing it out
                                                        1. questionaire
                                                          1. ethical consideration
                                                          2. social structure
                                                            1. different institutions
                                                              1. family
                                                                1. media
                                                                  1. education
                                                                  2. keeps society together
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