Curley's Wife


Mindmap am Curley's Wife, erstellt von riddiroo am 07/04/2014.
Mindmap von riddiroo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von riddiroo vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Curley's Wife
  1. Throughout the entire book she is referred to as Curley's Wife which shows her as a possession rather than a person. Steinbeck does this to show how low she is in the social hierarchy and it shows how not only has she lost her dreams but she has lost her identity along with it.
    1. She had many dreams before she married Curley. She references a lot to Lennie how she always wanted to be a film actress and how it could have been possible for her. This is not true as her character is very gullible and she believed the men that told her this over her own mother. Her dreams are very antisocial and about capitalistic materials unlike Lennie who has socialistic dreams about companionship with George. Steinbeck shows this contrast with the use of verbs such as "We gonna" for Lennie and "I coulda been" for Curley's Wife. The past conditional verb used by Curley's Wife shows how her dream is now unattainable as it was in the past and she missed her chance. This differs from every other character in the book because for Lennie and George their dream is in the future and for Crooks his dream was in the past which he lived with his father. All those characters have hope but Curley's Wife doesn't have any hope of achieving her dream.
      1. Her dreams also reflect the time in which they lived in because it was the time of the Great Depression and movies had just come out with sound and were no longer mime so many people went to watch the movies as a way of escaping their real life.
        1. Polysyndeton is used by Stevenson by the repetition of ands which is used to show Curley's Wife's dream and her gushing.
      2. Curley's Wife is one of the only main characters that doesn't have anyone she properly loves to go to or stick with. Despite being married to Curley she doesn't actually like him which she confesses to Lennie when she says "I don't like Curley" This is one of the only moments in the book where she is genuinely honest and she sounds childlike due to the simple vocabulary which Steinbeck uses to present Curley's Wife as still innocent. Curley is unfaithful to her as he goes to brothels so she is alone for long amounts of time and her mother who was the only person to truly care for her Curley's Wife rejects by running away from home. This is shown in page 125. She runs away after a petty argument with her mother and marries Curley on the same night out of spite which again shows how immature she still is.
        1. She trusts people very easily just like she did with Lennie when she told him her dream. Steinbeck crafts this because the fact that she shares with Lennie, a mentally handicapped man who is stroking a dead puppy, shows her desperation to be heard. He is the only character that pays any attention to her which is what she craves and in the passage Lennie is not even listening to her. She talks to Lennie since she knows that he is lower than her in the hierarchy and takes advantage of this. The fact that he is only slightly kind to her yet she trusts him completely and enough to let him touch her hair shows how easily trusting she is because she has never been treated equally by anyone.
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