Fluvioglacial depositional landforms


Mindmap am Fluvioglacial depositional landforms, erstellt von EmmaSmile am 06/05/2013.
Mindmap von EmmaSmile, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von EmmaSmile vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Fluvioglacial depositional landforms
  1. Outwash plains
    1. Found in front of glacier's snout, consisting of flat expanse of sorted material
      1. Coarsest material closest to snout and finer material found further along the plain. Stratified - layered vertically.
        1. Material rounded to sub-rounded. May be characterised by small water filled depressions (kettle lakes) and crossed by braided meltwater streams
      2. Kelling Heath North Norfolk
        1. Meltwater streams high in energy, high velocities and high competence - can carry high volumes of sediment.
          1. Meltwater streams emerge from ice front, increase in friction and slow down, depositing material
            1. Largest material deposited first, sorted deposit. Meltwater streams seasonal - deposits stratified; layered vertically.
              1. Because of marked seasonality in meltwater flow, streams may become choked with coarse material and streams crossing outwash plains are usually braided because of this.
        2. Kettle lakes
          1. A small circular hollow in outwash plain, filled with water.
            1. Diameter 5-100 m and depth 1-5m
              1. During ice retreat blocks of ice (dead ice) may become detached and outwash deposits build up around and bury them.
                1. When ice eventually melts, overlying deposits subside creating a small hollow in the outwash plain in which water accumulates to form a lake.
            2. Kames
              1. Mounds of fluvioglacial material sorted and often stratified, found on the valley floor. Kames may be a few hundred metres long and tens of metres high
                1. Form where sediments build up on surface in crevasses and depressions as meltwater flows into them. Sediment builds up into mound, as ice melts sediment gradually lowered and deposited
                  1. Some kames are delta kames which are produced by glacial streams emerging at snout of glacier, falling into glacier floor. ose energy and deposit load.
                    1. Some are result of supraglacial streams depositing material.
                  2. Eskers
                    1. Varves
                      1. Fluvioglacial landforms consist of fluvioglacial material which has been deposited by meltwater streams. Meltwater streams may be supraglacial or subglacial (at base).
                        1. Turbulent flow of meltwater streams enables them to carry large volumes of sediment, which is then deposited.
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