River Processes, WJEC


Just a simple Mind Map to explain different River Processes
Kayley McCormack
Mindmap von Kayley McCormack, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kayley McCormack
Erstellt von Kayley McCormack vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

River Processes, WJEC
  1. Erosion
    1. Hydraulic Action, The force of flowing water washes away loose material on the bed and banks
      1. Abrasion, (or corrosion) Stones carried by the river that are washed into beds and banks wearing them away
        1. solution, (or corrosion) Slightly acidic water that dissolves rocks which are made of calcium carbonate.
          1. Attrition, Stones colliding together are broken down.
          2. Transport
            1. Traction, stones are rolled along the bed by the force of flowing water
              1. Saltation, small stones are bounced along the river bed by flowing water
                1. Suspension, particles of silt and clay float and are carried along by the flowing water
                  1. Solution, some minerals dissolve in water E.g. limestone
                  2. Deposition, if a river slows down due to less water or Less steep land the river carries less energy therefore some material will be deposited.
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