A Streetcar Named Desire-Themes


Mindmap am A Streetcar Named Desire-Themes, erstellt von ellie perkins am 18/03/2017.
ellie perkins
Mindmap von ellie perkins, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
ellie perkins
Erstellt von ellie perkins vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

A Streetcar Named Desire-Themes
  1. The role of women
    1. Division of North and South
      1. The North is the new views of America where they are accepting of the stereotypical outcasts in society
        1. Represented by Stanley
        2. The South hold traditional, elitist views that reject the acceptance of people who are socially different
          1. Represented by Blanche
        3. Sexual discrimination and abuse
          1. Desire
            1. Mental Health
              1. Fantasy's inability to overcome reality
                1. relationship between sex and death
                  1. Dependence on men
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