Choosing Business Location


Business unit1 Mindmap am Choosing Business Location, erstellt von webbc024 am 17/05/2013.
Mindmap von webbc024, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von webbc024 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Choosing Business Location
  1. Main factors effecting choice
    1. Communication
      1. transport facilities
        1. Transport links
          1. Broadband access
          2. Labour
            1. Relevent skills
              1. Locate in low wages areas
              2. Population
                1. City centres??
                  1. Sufficient population of your target market
                  2. Suppliers
                    1. cheaper if closer to suppliers
                    2. Government help
                      1. encourage start us in poor locations
                        1. Enter text here
                      2. 60% of new business start form home
                        1. Business from home
                          1. Adv.
                            1. Very low cost
                              1. less traveling
                                1. combined with domestic care
                                  1. reduce risk & lower break-even
                                  2. Disadv.
                                    1. self discipline
                                      1. work interrupted
                                        1. hard to separate work & home
                                          1. lack of stimulation
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