Explanations for the success and failure of dieting.


Mindmap am Explanations for the success and failure of dieting., erstellt von 07setchfields am 29/05/2014.
Mindmap von 07setchfields, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von 07setchfields vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Explanations for the success and failure of dieting.
  1. The Restraint theory
    1. The Boundary model
      1. Developed by Herman and Polivy.
        1. According to the model, hunger keeps intake of food above a min and satiety works to keep intake below a max.
          1. Between these two levels psychological factors have the greatest impact on consumption, dieter tend to have a larger range between hunger and satiety as it takes them longer to feel hungry and more food to satisfy them
            1. In addition restrained eaters have a self-imposed desired intake, once they have gone over this boundary they continue to eat until they have reached satiety.
            2. research suggests that 89% of women in the UK restrain what they eat some point in their lives.
              1. Herman and Mack suggest that attempting to not eat actually increases the probability of eating
              2. Role of denial
                1. This model shows that attempting to suppress a thought e.g. food has the opposite effect and you think about it more.
                  1. Wegner and the white bear experiment.
                    1. Partcipants were in 2 conditions, one allowed to think about the white bear and one who wasnt.
                      1. When they thought about the bear they had to ring a bell.
                        1. Participants allowed to think about the bear pressed the bell significantly less that those who couldn't think about it.
                      2. The theory of ironic process of mental control
                        1. Attempts to suppress thoughts of unhealthy foods or ones you enjoy only serve to increase the dieters preoccupation with the food they're trying to deny.
                      3. Detail the success of dieiting
                        1. Redden suggested that the secret success of dieting lies in the attention we pay to what is being eaten
                          1. He claims people enjoy experiences less if they repeat them, when dieting this makes it hard to stick to a particular regime.
                            1. To overcome this he suggest you dont just think of it as another salad but to look at the detail in the meal such as the type of lettuce used e.g. rocket
                              1. By focusing on the specifics of each meal people get less bored and so better able to maintain the diet.
                              2. The jelly bean experiment
                                1. Redden gave 135 people 22 jelly beans, one at a time, as each was dispensed information about it was flashed on a screen.
                                  1. one group saw general information such as bean 7 whereas the others saw more specific details such as the flavour.
                                    1. he found people enjoyed the task more if they saw the details and got bored faster if they saw the general information.
                                  2. Comentary
                                    1. Ironic process of mental control
                                      1. Research support
                                        1. Soetens provided experimental support , participants were divided into restrained and unrestrained eaters, the restrained eaters were then divided into high or low disinhibitions. he found that high restrained group used more suppressing thoughts.
                                        2. Limited experimental effects
                                          1. As experimental effects go they are detectable but far from overwhelming.
                                        3. Restraint theory
                                          1. Implications for obesity treatment
                                            1. The restraint theory suggests that restraining leads to over eating but the treatment for obesity is to restrain what you eat.
                                              1. However obesity may not be the result of overeating, overeating may be a consequence of of obesity if restraint is recommended as a treatment.
                                            2. Limited relevance
                                              1. Ogden points out that although dieters, bulimics and anorexics report episodes of overeating behaviour of restricting anorexics cannot be explained using the theory, if trying not to eat results in overeating how do yo explain the behaviour of anorexics.
                                            3. IDA
                                              1. Cultural differences in obesity
                                                1. Research has shown that some cultures find it more difficult to lose work than others, Asia people have a natural inclination to be obese than europeans
                                                2. Free will or determinism
                                                  1. is it likely that there is some genetic mechanisms which play influence into a persons weight.
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