10 yr


Multipronged development, use & Projects management with O-G Technology
Righteous Weed
Mindmap von Righteous Weed, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Righteous Weed
Erstellt von Righteous Weed vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

10 yr
  1. hindrances to success
    1. 1. Money 2. Resources 3. opportunity 4.Proof of concept 5. data 6. marketing 7. Time


      • a limited time to gain $ so as to aquire the perfect property for the 10yr Project due to its present and future value and potential for an exit strategy sufficient enough to meet the terms with investors.
      • terms for a $2m investment. 2 Parts: 1. $4m payment from "Exit Fund" for 10-yr Project @end of 10yrs. 2. 10% of Net Profits from all revenue generated from outside 10yr project (*starting in yr 3 of 10yr Project/Start-Up period*)
      • Exit Fund will be "fed" from the following parts of 10yr Project: 1. 30% of rental pmts 2. atleast $400/head of cattle (tho projections are $600 ($900-costs-rancher fee=$400 but $200 of cost is purchase price)). 3. 100% of O-G "Ranchettes" sales during "Project Real Assets Liquidation phase" sales (0% of homestead homes as that feeds "Op Cap") 4. 100% farm/ranch lands sale 5. 90% of "Herd Liquidation" 6. 3% of any government grant money for projects.
      • Operating capital, in excess of Investor money will come from: 1. Homestead Sales 2. $100/ head culled 3. 10% of Rentals Emergency Fund /yr (starting yr 4 of proj)
      • investor money will be used to buy land for first project, buy 20% of projects' equip., materials, tools, and build 1/2 the "OG Tech bundles" to be used in Entire Project. * Payroll for Principles will be invested into REMIT Ltd for the 10yr project aspect and will come from: 1. revenue generated outside 10yr project (projected to start yr3) 2. "Exit Fund" beyond Investors $.
      1. Hindrances bring opportunities to Overcome.
        1. Investor money solves most hindrances. With a two-pronged pay-out to overcome the longer time period, the gamble will be enticing and with the exit strategy, a pretty good sure bet.
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