Design History


Design History discusses form, function and styling found in architecture, products and vehicles throughout the modern age. Students learn the origins of design and its purpose throughout history and see how design influences everyday life via the objects they interact with or the games and movies they watch. The class begins with the Arts and Crafts movement and explores how fine art influences mainstream products, architecture and automobiles. Students learn how technologies and concepts in de
Hudson de Pinho
Notiz von Hudson de Pinho , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hudson de Pinho
Erstellt von Hudson de Pinho vor fast 9 Jahre

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Seite 1

Design History discusses form, function and styling found in architecture, products and vehicles throughout the modern age. Students learn the origins of design and its purpose throughout history and see how design influences everyday life via the objects they interact with or the games and movies they watch. The class begins with the Arts and Crafts movement and explores how fine art influences mainstream products, architecture and automobiles. Students learn how technologies and concepts in design become the foundation of many film and games themes.

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