Lord of the Flies Quote Pages


GCSE English Lit (Lord of the Flies) Notiz am Lord of the Flies Quote Pages, erstellt von harry.vinall am 01/05/2014.
Notiz von harry.vinall, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von harry.vinall vor etwa 10 Jahre

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Seite 1

CharactersRalph:Chapter 1:P.1-5 (polarisation with Piggy)P.17 (sides with Jack over Piggy)P.19 (becomes chief)Chapter 2:P.31 (sets down rules) P.37 (suggests they make a fire)P.42 (‘after all we're not savages’)Chapter 3:P.55-56 (polarised with Jack)Chapter 4:P.73-74 (conflict with Jack) P.76 (Jack apologizes ‘I apologize’ still dominant in relationship) Chapter 5:P.83 (‘Ralph was a specialist in in thought now, and could recognize thought in another)P.85-86 (beginning to lose control of other boys)P.99 (contrast with Jack ‘the rules are the only things we have’ ‘Bollocks to the rules’)P.101 (true nature of relationship with Jack revealed by Piggy ‘He hates you’)Chapter 6P.110 (conflict between Ralph and Jack about Piggy)Chapter 7 P.119 (return to childhood habits)P.122 (reminisce about civilisation)P.125: ('the desire to squeeze and hurt was over mastering') P.134 (respect for Piggy)Chapter 8:P. 136- 140 (conflict with Jack culminates with Jack forming his own tribe)P.144 (Ralph's tribe abandoned by all those except Ralph, Piggy, Simon and Sam n Eric.)Jack:Chapter 1:P.15 (introduced first description: ‘the boy who controlled them’)P.17 (shut up fatty)P.28 (fails to kill pig)Chapter 3:P.55-56 (polarised with Ralph)Chapter 4:P.66 (paints face ‘the face of red and white and black’)P.72 (returns with dead pig after letting fire out)P.73-74 (conflict with Ralph) P.75 (punch’s Piggy)P.76 (Apologizes to Ralph ‘I apologize’ Ralph still dominant in relationship) Chapter 5:P.87 (challenges Ralph)P.99 (contrast with Ralph ‘the rules are the only things we have’ ‘Bollocks to the rules’)Chapter 6P.110 (conflict between Ralph and Jack about Piggy)P.115 (castle rock ‘what a place for a fort’)P.118 (last line of chapter 6 shows shift in power dynamic)Chapter 7P.132 (taunts Ralph ‘are you frightened?’)P.133 ('Ralph could feel him hesitate'- power in balance)Chapter 8P. 136- 140 (conflict with Ralph culminates with Jack forming his own tribe) P. 146-7 (tribe based around dearth and savagery)

Themes:Civilisation vs SavageryChapter 5:P.99 (‘The world, the understandable and lawful world was slipping away’)P.100 (‘Bollocks to the rules’ savagery takes upper hand)Chapter 7P.122-23 (Ralph reminisces about civilisation then hits boar, tribal behaviour, shows victory of tribalism) P.125 (tribal like behaviour)Chapter 8P. 144 etc. (Jack forms own tribe, built on killing and savagery)FearChapter 7P.135Chapter 8:P.137 ('whimpered'- growing fear)  


Littluns’Chapter 2:P.34 (littlun’ introduces idea of a ‘beastie’)P.46 (littlun’ from above killed by fire)Chapter 4:P.62 (hierarchy even within Littluns’)Chapter 5:P.89 (Littluns’ still frightened of beast)Chapter 8:P.137 ('whimpered'- growing fear)  Sam ‘n’ EricChapter 6P.107 (‘sighting’ of the beast, makes boys accept the beast is real)Chapter 7:P. 126 ('the twins nodded like one boy') Roger:Chapter 7:P.132-133 (description)Beast:Chapter 2:P.34 (littlun’ introduces idea of a ‘beastie’)Chapter 5:P.95-6 (Simon- first recognition that the beast could be real from an older child in any form ‘Maybe there is a beast… maybe it’s only us’ )Chapter 6P.114 (Simon only one to doubt existence of beast)Chapter 6P.107 (‘sighting’ of the beast, makes boys accept the beast is real)Chapter 7P.134 (Jack, Roger, Ralph flee 'creature')Chapter 8:P.136 (description of Beast)P.158 (lord of the flies) 

Simon:Chapter 1:P.16 (faints)Chapter 3:P.59 (link with nature)Chapter 4:P.75 (picks up Piggy’s glasses)P.78 (gives meat to Piggy)Chapter 5:P.95-6 (first recognition that the beast could be real from an older child in any form ‘Maybe there is a beast… maybe it’s only us’ )Chapter 6P.114 (only one to doubt existence of beast)Chapter 8:P.141 (not respected 'what is it this time?')P.158 (lord of the flies)Chapter 9:P.169-70 (dies)Piggy:Chapter 1:P.1-5 (polarisation with Ralph)P.6 (named Piggy)P.11 (finds conch)P.17 (scapegoated)Chapter 2:P.32 (shows wisdom)P.40 (specs used to light fire)Chapter 4:P.75 (punched by Jack ‘Piggy’s glasses flew off and tinkled on the rocks’ foreshadowing dearth)Chapter 5:P.83 (has earned Ralph’s respect)Chapter 6P.110 (conflict between Ralph and Jack about Piggy)Chapter 8: P.142 ('intellect' shown)P.143 ('Piggy himself removed his one glass' -control)

Ralph/ Jack



Minor Characters

Simon/ Piggy

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