Introduction to Algorithms


Karteikarten am Introduction to Algorithms, erstellt von Maribel Angeles am 17/06/2014.
Maribel Angeles
Karteikarten von Maribel Angeles, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maribel Angeles
Erstellt von Maribel Angeles vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Algorithm? Set of instructions in specific order leading to a result.
What are the main characteristics of an algorithm? 1. Precision. Steps are clearly defined, logical and ordered. 2. Uniqueness – each step is unique and the result depends of the inputs. 3. Finiteness – has a finite number of instructions
What are the stages of an algorithm? 1. Inputs (initial state, initial conditions) 2. Process (when all the conditions and activities are done) 3. Outputs (final state, when we have a result)
How can we represent an algorithm? 1. Pseudocode - write the instructions in natural language (with words). 2. Flowcharts – Graphical representation of an algorithm. 3. Code - instructions for computers.
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