The Growth of Industry and I-1900


11th grade US History Karteikarten am The Growth of Industry and I-1900, erstellt von Arieanna Nazir am 10/04/2019.
Arieanna Nazir
Karteikarten von Arieanna Nazir, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Arieanna Nazir
Erstellt von Arieanna Nazir vor etwa 5 Jahre

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When did the Second Revolution Occur? After the Civil War.
What innovations in business practices started in this era? Vertical integration, horizontal integration, and holding companies.
What is vertical integration? Owning the product and all the stuff it takes to process it into the completed product. Reduces costs in production usually in one industry.
What is horizontal integration? competitors in a particular industry are bought out and made into a super-sized company. AKA a trust
What is a holding company? One company bought a controlling share of a number of other companies and ran as a single company.
How else did the industry improve during the 2nd Industrial Revolution? Research labs were created to better products. The advertising budget for companies had increased. The workplace was redefined by the Taylor principle.
What is the Taylor principle? scientific management of factories, which would help increase the output of the companies.
What was the effect of the Taylor principle? Loss of the autonomy of skilled workers. Cheap labor(Chinese) came into the US and took up jobs since the jobs became easier.
What were some results of the industrial growth? Prices of goods were lowered. Immigration increased. Workers output increased Child labor increased. No safe working conditions. Gender and race defined occupational opportunities. (women banned and rejected blacks.) standard of living improved
What did the republican party favor? BIg Businesses
Who were the leaders in the industry at the time? Cornelius Vanderbilt-owned the NY Central Railroad and the Grand Central Station was built in his honor Gustuvas Swift-invented the refrigerated railroad car, which allowed him to dominate the meatpacking industry. (Swifts premium) Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, and Duke
Where did many people from this era come from? Southern and Eastern Europe
Where did most immigrants go to upon entry into the country? Cities providing a cheap pool of labor
Why were immigrants opposed? Racism and fear of job loss
Which group faced the most discrimination and which area had they faced the most? Chineses and California
What did people do about immigration? Immigration Restriction League formed and pressed Congress to pass laws to limit immigration into the US The government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in order to appease them in 1882. The Gentlemen's Agreement between Japan and the US limited Japanese immigration into the US The Settlement Movement was started to improve immigrants social standings and reduce poverty. The Hull House being the most famous example of them in Chicago run by Jane Addams.
What did the Labor Unions support? Collective Bargaining, closed shops, cooperatives, and the Granger Laws?
What is Collective Bargaining? the union represents all the workers and takes the fall for them
What are closed shops? Only union members could work in the factory
What are cooperatives? workers or farmers creating stores with cheaper goods.
What was the Granger Laws? Laws passed in the farm states attempting to regulate the railroads.
What were the methods that businesses used to stop unions? Lockouts, blacklists-union members couldn't be hired, yellow dog contract preventing them from joining a union, and court injunctions said they attempted to stop trade which would get them arrested.
Why did Americans oppose unions? Believed they were connected to radicals like anarchists, socialists, and communists.
What were some farm issues? Global competition and rising crop production lowered prices high interest rates railroads charged higher prices for farmers
What did farmers do int this period in retaliation? demanded they were to be regulated by the government or owned by the government they also began to organize political leverage and protection The National Grange Husbandry-created for farmers-passed the Granger laws
What case upheld the states right to regulate railroads? Munn vs Illinois
What court case reversed the decision and what did they say? Wabash vs Illinois and said the government had that right
What did Congress do in response to the Wabash vs Illinois? Created the ICC, which regulated the railroads
What formed in Texas in the late 1870s? The Farmer Alliance which is the largest farmer movement?
What was new about the south in this time period? Birmingham Alabama became a major steel manufacturing center in the South. Railroads put higher prices for southern steel giving the north an advantage. Cigarettes were created by Duke's Tobacco Company Cheap unskilled labor was here for sewing. Still majored in making clothes.
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