

Palabras de inglés
Lupita pqGonzález
Karteikarten von Lupita pqGonzález, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lupita pqGonzález
Erstellt von Lupita pqGonzález vor etwa 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Tail Example: A bee bites me whith it's tail
Frog Example: I Saw a frog jump
Arm Example: I hurt My arm
Nose Example: I want to blow My nose
Hair Example: My mom collected mi hair
Face Example: I have a beautiful face
Shoe Example: I have a store in My shoe
Sock Example: My socks are yellow
Gray Example: I have a gray blouse
Child Example: I love that child face
Cake Example: There is cake on My niece's birthay
Milk Example: Yesterday we had bread with milk
Burger Example: I have a burger
Sweet Example: My boy want's a sweet
Onion Example: I have onions
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