Christina Rossetti- Cousin Kate


Karteikarten am Christina Rossetti- Cousin Kate, erstellt von butlc041.309 am 08/03/2015.
Karteikarten von butlc041.309, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von butlc041.309 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Meaning Cousin Kate asserts the natural role of men and women; a man's duty is to love his female, a women accepts and needs this love in order to flourish. Rossetti is showing us that a male is capable of enriching a female's life to dazzling heights, but also capable of destroying a life.
Imagery 'I was a cottage maiden, hardened by sun and air'- contrast of romantic language in first line, with 'hard' linguistic choice in second. This could perhaps show how the 'great lord' came into her life and immediately took her innocence? 'Sun' is male- been here since creation, 'air' could imply heir to a throne?
Imagery 2 'He wore me like a silken knot' shows she was cast aside as a fashion accessory rather than a female with feelings. She was used, or restricted by marriage? This line implies connotations of a noose, possibly showing how he ended her life early- link to the child he gave her.
Structure Ballad- tells a story; individual tragedy. The form reflects how this story is not new? Ballads have been around since the dawn of time, suggesting that the cruelness the man displays is typical of male behaviour? Quote- 'I was a cottage maiden, hardened by sun and air', backed up by natural imagery.
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