

Anatomy (Back) Karteikarten am Untitled, erstellt von andrew.jooho.kim am 10/10/2013.
Karteikarten von andrew.jooho.kim, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von andrew.jooho.kim vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Trapezius Superficial back O: vertebral column I: scapula & clavicle A: scapula elevation, depression, lateral rotation, retraction Axioappendicular N: accessory (IX) A/V: transverse cervical
Latissimus Dorsi Superficial back O: vertebral column I: humerus A: arm extension, medial rotation, adduction Axioappendicular N/A/V: thoracodorsal (a.k.a. middle subscapular)
Rhomboid major Superficial back (deep to T & LD) O: vertebral column (T2-T5) I: spine of scapula A: scapula medial rotation, retraction Axioappendicular N/A/V: dorsal scapular
Rhomboid minor Superficial back (deep to T & LD) O: vertebral column (C7-T1) I: spine of scapula A: scapula medial rotation, retraction Axioappendicular N/A/V: dorsal scapular
Levator Scapulae Superficial back (deep to T & LD) O: vertebral column (C1-C4) I: spine of scapula A: scapula elevation Axioappendicular N/A/V: dorsal scapular
Iliocostalis Deep back - Erector spinae Lateral of 3: "I love sucking" O: vertebral column I: ribs A: vertebra extension, lateral rotation N: dorsal ramus
Longissimus Deep back - Erector spinae Intermediate of 3: "I love sucking" O: vertebral column I: vertebral column A: vertebra extension N: dorsal ramus
Spinalis Deep back - Erector spinae Median of 3: "I love sucking" O: vertebral column I: vertebral column A: vertebra lateral flexion N: dorsal ramus
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