Movement (Body)


Key Stage 3 Science (All Science Resources) Karteikarten am Movement (Body), erstellt von Glixxy 805 am 25/05/2021.
Glixxy 805
Karteikarten von Glixxy 805, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Glixxy 805
Erstellt von Glixxy 805 vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What's the four roles of a skeleton? Protection Movement Support Make Blood Cells
Where is the femur? Top part of the leg
Muscles can......? Pull
Ernie says: ''When a muscle is not in use it gets longer and contracts! Heh Heh...'' Is he right? No! Stupid Ernie! When a muscle is not in use, it gets longer and RELAXES
Ernie says: ''Uh... there are three different types of joints... they are Hinge, Fixed, Ball and... and...'' Can you help him? Socket
What protects your vital organs? Ribs
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