Croatian_Unit 7_Day 2


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Karteikarten am Croatian_Unit 7_Day 2, erstellt von FSI Croatian am 21/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Karteikarten von FSI Croatian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Erstellt von FSI Croatian vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Nema veze! It does not matter!
kasniti / zakasniti being late / to be late
puštati / pustiti to let, to allow
namjerno on purpose
umirati / umrijeti to die
glad (f) hunger
Umirem od gladi. I am starving.
ručati to have lunch
prilog side dish
pouzdan, pouzdana reliable
unutra inside
donositi / donijeti to bring
boca bottle
predjelo appetizer
Možemo li prijeći na ,,ti’’? Can we address each other informally?
neugodan, neugodna unpleasant
Malo mi je neugodno... I feel a little uncomfortable... I feel bad...
zelen, zelena green
častiti / počastiti to treat (someone), to pay for (someone)
narudžba order (in a restaurant)
glavno jelo main dish
bacati / baciti to throw away
smeće garbage
uništavati / uništiti to destroy
prolijevati / proliti to spill
moliti / zamoliti to ask (for a favor)
mrlja stain
kvariti / pokvariti to spoil, to be out of order
mokar, mokra wet
plodovi mora sea food
napojnica tip
ostavljati / ostaviti to leave (something)
zaokruživati / zaokružiti to round (up)
stajati / stati to stop, halt
opuštati se / opustiti se to relax
odbijati / odbiti to refuse
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