Module 2: Deploy and manage DHCP > Unit: Configure DHCP options


Karteikarten am Module 2: Deploy and manage DHCP > Unit: Configure DHCP options, erstellt von Rick Schoenman am 09/10/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Karteikarten von Rick Schoenman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Erstellt von Rick Schoenman vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are DHCP options used for? These can be used to configure other network resources, such as DNS servers or a default gateway.
How can DHCP options be applied? They can be applied at several levels: 1. DHCP server 2. Scope 3. Reservations 4. Class
Describe DHCP options set at the server level These options are set on all DHCP clients of the DHCP server
Describe DHCP options set at the scope level These options are set on all DHCP clients within a certain IP scope. Option set at the server level are overwritten by these.
Describe DHCP options set at the class level These options are set on all DHCP clients that identify themselves as member of a certain class. Options set at the class level overwrite options set at the server level and at the scope level.
Describe DHCP options set at the reservation level These options are set on all DHCP clients that belong to a certain reservation. This is the most specific level and therefore takes precedence over all the other.
Considering DHCP classes, which 2 types of them do you know? - User classes - Vendor classes
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