Phrasal Verbs IV


Fichas sobre Phrasal Verbs, creado por jlaguilar90 el 19/10/2015.
Jose Luis Gómez
Karteikarten von Jose Luis Gómez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jose Luis Gómez
Erstellt von Jose Luis Gómez vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
drop out quit a course
set about start doing s.t.
work out (1) find the answer or solution
turn off stop a machine
turn down (1) reject a offer, invitation...
turn in go to bed
turn on (1) cause s.o. to feel attraction or pleasure
turn up (2) - appear
turn out (2) produce
turn away not allow s.o. to enter a place
pick up (1) improve
put on (1) get fat
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