Chemistry Vocab


Terms to know
Lydia Comfort
Karteikarten von Lydia Comfort, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lydia Comfort
Erstellt von Lydia Comfort vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Law of Multiple Proportions When 2 elements combine with each other to form more than 1 compound. The masses of one of the elements combine with a fixed mass of the other(s) where there is a simple whole number ratio of small whole numbers
Law of Definite Proportions Every element compound has a fixed and constant proportion/mass of its base element. The proportions will stay the same no matter what
Isotopes A variation of the same element, but with a different number of neutrons in the nucleus
Ions Atoms that contain an uneven number of protons and electrons that result in an overall positive or negative charge
Atomic Number The number of a chemical element in the periodic system where the elements are arranged in order increasing the number of protons in the nucleus
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