

Karteikarten am Untitled_1, erstellt von hannah-louise-co am 25/04/2013.
Karteikarten von hannah-louise-co, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von hannah-louise-co vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Where does the roman waste go? sewers
How did the Romans improve public health? Aquaducts,hospitals for everyone not just soldiers, baths, clean streets,sewers.
why were Roman hospitals advanced for their time? They Were clean,calm and quiet. They had surgeons, doctors and nurses.
Why was public health so important to the Romans? Romans lived in cities and towns so disease spread quickly. Cities needed fresh water and sewers to stay healthy They needed strong,healthy men for the army.
How did they improve public health? They used slave labour force because they were cheap, taxes were collected to pay for buildings and other facilities, they employed water officers (commisioners) to ensure good water supply.
How did the Romans treat illness? prayer,charms, sacrifices to gods, purging,blood letting, theory of the opposites, rest and a balanced diet,clean cities,building cities away from swamps.
What did the Romans think caused disease? supernatural causes, the gods,the four humours (Galen) , bad air or bad smells.
What factors influenced Roman medicine? War, religion, individuals (Galen), the strong government.
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