DAFOREST Language Technique flashcards


GCSE English (Language features) Karteikarten am DAFOREST Language Technique flashcards, erstellt von Michael Smith am 14/10/2016.
Michael Smith
Karteikarten von Michael Smith, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Michael Smith
Erstellt von Michael Smith vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Direct address Referring to the reader directly using the pronouns ‘we’ or ‘you’.
Alliteration A group of words beginning with the same letter or sound.
Fact Something which can be proven to be true.
Opinion A belief which cannot be proven to be true.
Rhetorical question Any question in a piece of writing which does not require an answer.
Emotive language Words which elicit a powerful emotional response.
statistics Numerical facts and data.
(rule of) three Lists of three things in a sentence.
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