The New Testament


An intro First Year RE p. 113
Anne Barry-Murphy
Karteikarten von Anne Barry-Murphy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Anne Barry-Murphy
Erstellt von Anne Barry-Murphy vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Introduction to the New Testament
Gospel The 'Good News' of Jesus Christ in the first four books of the New Testament
Evangelist A Gospel writer who spread the 'Good News' of Jesus Christ (Mark Matthew, Luke and John)
Witness To proclaim or publicly announce one's religious faith
4 Gospels The Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Luke The Gospel of John The Gospels explain the purpose of Jesus' life on earth
Focus of the Gospels Last three years of the life of Jesus on his teaching, healing and preaching on his life, death and Resurrection
Evangelists as witnesses Publicly proclaimed their faith through their writings
Gospels written when? First Century (CE)
Gospels written to Spread the Good News Enable others to have faith in Jesus too
Gospels written for Different communities in the Roman Empire Also important for Christian communities in future times
Gospels set out to show that Jesus is 1. Son of God 2. The Messiah 3. The Saviour of All
Summary of the Gospels Writers: Mark, Matthew, Luke & John Focus: Last 3 yrs. of life of Jesus Teaching, healing & preaching Life, death & resurrection
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