flash cards yr 9 unit7.1


Karteikarten am flash cards yr 9 unit7.1, erstellt von raed umair am 09/02/2017.
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Karteikarten von raed umair, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Erstellt von raed umair vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
question 1 what does you body produce when it is under stress or fear your body produces noradrenalin
question 2 how does noradrenalin affect the heart -it increases/decreases the rate at which it beats -strength of the contraction
question 3 by how much can noradrenalin speed up the heart rate it can speed it up by five times the normal rate
question 4 how does vigorous exercise affect the heart rate -it speeds up the heart rate -it affects the strength of contraction
question 5 what are receptors specialized cells that detect changes in stimuli
question 6 what happens when you stop exercising vigorously your heart rate decreases
question 7 what is your body made up of your body is made up of cells,tissue,fat,muscles and organs
question 8 what is mitochondria the organelles in which cellular respiration occurs
question 9 what is the reaction for cell respiration glucose+oxygen+water+energy
question 10 what do ribosomes do they produce proteins in a cell
question 11 what do lysosomes do they create wastes in your body
question 12 what is the largest internal organ the liver
question 13 what does the liver do -it breaks down hormones -breaks down haemoglobin -breaks down toxic substances -converts ammonia to urea
question 14 what does interdependent mean something that relies on another thing to work wth
question 15 what is metabolism the chemical process that maintains organisims
question 16 what are enzymes special proteins in your body that can speed up a reaction
question 17 how many enzymes are their in a humans body over 700
question 18 what is a catabolic reaction a larger molecule that has been splitted onto smaller ones
question 20 what is difusion movement of particles in a substance
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