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helen daniela carrillo borda
Flowchart by helen daniela carrillo borda, updated more than 1 year ago
helen daniela carrillo borda
Created by helen daniela carrillo borda over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  •   Colombia Digital and Territorio Creativo, in collaboration with the BBVA Innovation Center and the ICT Ministry, reveal the figures of the advance of the digital revolution in the country's companies.
  •   Impact on the client Among the Colombian companies, the opinion is unanimous: the digital environment has changed the client, making it more demanding. It is a type of client that values, above price, excellence in service, personalization and exclusivity of experience.
  • impact on the processes of the organization and in the business Although there are few digital transformation projects already closed within the scope of the Colombian organization, future projects are widespread among half of the companies, which either have already launched new initiatives or are contemplating them
  • Advantage
  • Disadvantages
  • The concept of industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution that consists of the inclusion of new technologies in the industry (Schwab, 2016), is the application and evolution simultaneous use of different technologies (technological convergence) and exponential growth of the technology (Kurzweil, 2005) in the entire value chain of the organization, providing benefits to the different areas of the organization
  •   that the industry of the future can be at the edge of any company small, medium or large that it is.
  • If one takes into account that in Colombia there is still great digital illiteracy and that often users allow, in good faith, that applications or people access their data without knowing very well the dangers that this implies.
  • new labor market, it will be necessary to invest in developing non-routine skills, which are powered by technology.
  •   Big data and data analysis: Storage, analysis and management of large databases allows optimization processes
  •   Cloud computing: Cloud storage services that allow access to information outside the office, reducing costs, time and increasing efficiency in the processes.
  •   Additive manufacturing: Known as 3D printing, it makes it easier for companies to learn about prototypes your products more clearly
  • Systems for integration productive: Vertical and horizontal integration of the production and information systems of companies in a single platform
  • The lack of knowledge about technologies.  
  •  The lack of alignment between supply and demand, which results in inadequately sized or poorly specified solutions to light of the needs of companies.  
  • The lack of support for companies, during and after the implementation of ICT solutions.
  •  The high perceived cost of ICT solutions.
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