cell types


cell types for animal and plant cells
maddie  sharples
Flashcards by maddie sharples, updated more than 1 year ago
maddie  sharples
Created by maddie sharples over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Nucleus Controls the cell and its activities. Contains the DNA.
Cell membrane It controls what enters and leaves the cell.
Cytoplasm Is made up of a watery jelly. Is where most of the cell activities take place.
Mitochondria Jelly-bean shaped structures where aerobic respiration occurs
Ribosomes Tiny round structures which make proteins for the cell.
cell wall Made of cellulose, it supports and protects the cell.
Vacuole Contains a store of cell sap. Keeps the cell firm and rigid.
Chloroplast Contains chlorophyll and traps energy from the sun for use in photosynthesis.
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