Howards End chapter 1 quote bank


Important quotes used in chapter one of Howard's End .
Ella Mival
Flashcards by Ella Mival, updated more than 1 year ago
Ella Mival
Created by Ella Mival over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
"trailing in beautiful dresses" ... "trail, trail" P1,P2 Talks about Mrs Wilcox as elegant and shows her to be kind and as if she is in a day dream. This is then further supported by repeating "trail"
"Bullying porters" P1 Talks about Mr Wilcox. Shows he is un sympathetic and has power.
"Burn this" P3,4 After every letter Helen sends apart form the last where she declares her love for Paul she says this phrase. This shows Helen is secretive, mysterious and immature. This could show Helen is hiding something.
"There's a very big wych elm" P1 From the beginning of the novel we learn the Schlegels are cultured unlike many of the other characters. This is evident here as many others such as Mr Bast can not tell what sort of trees are which etc
"When I said I believed in equality he just folded his arms" P3 This shows one key difference between the Schlegels and the Wilcoxes. It also demonstrates a key theme, gender as it shows sexism
"Paul and I are in love" P4 Helen informs Margaret of her short lived love affair with Paul. This is important as it causes Aunt Juley to 'rescue' Helen which causes the fall out between the two families for the next couple of years.
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