Movers vocabulary: Appearance


Flashcards on Movers vocabulary: Appearance, created by Silvia Coca García on 30/07/2018.
Silvia Coca García
Flashcards by Silvia Coca García, updated more than 1 year ago
Silvia Coca García
Created by Silvia Coca García almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
curly It´s when your hair has got waves. It´s the opposite of straight.
thin It´s the opposite of fat.
teeth They are in your mouth and you use them to eat food.
blond(e) This is hair that is yellow in color
fair It´s the opposite of dark.
age This is how old you are.
fat/heavy It´s the opposite of thin.
neck It´s the part of the body that connects your head to the rest of the body.
shoulder This connects your arm to your body.
moustache It´s the hair that men have got under their nose.
beard This is hair that grows on a man´s chin.
straight It´s when your hair hasn´t got waves. it´s the opposite of curly.
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