Models of language


Flashcards on Models of language, created by August Edström on 29/10/2018.
August Edström
Flashcards by August Edström, updated more than 1 year ago
August Edström
Created by August Edström over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why is natural language important in AI? -Store,transfer,interact with language -Loads of available data -AI can make interesting use of this data
What is lingustic rationalism? Knowledge is not just gained through senses but humans also have "an innate system of language that facilitiates a rational mechanism of language when receiving lingustic input"(Chomsky)
What is linguistic empiricism? Lingustic input + cognitive abilities. Learn by a lot of input basically
What kind of model is Categorical Grammar? A non-probabalistic model
What techniques can be used in probabalistic models? N-gram model (a Markov chain)
What is competence?(according to Chomsky) Our internal knowledge of language
What is performance?(according to Chomsky) The actual lingustic behaviuor
What is a language model? A set of strings -set of sounds -set of words -set of sentences Modelling language - computing set membership
What is a N-gram? A sequence of n words
What does P(w|h) say? The probability of a word w given some history h
What is lexicalised grammar? And is it a non-probablistic model or probabilistic model? Lexicalised grammars do away with the rule-based nature of grammar Idea: see some leaves (words) are functions that take other leaves to form nodes. A non-probabilistic model
What is sentiment analysis? Analyze a piece of text and rate it according to different categories
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