
Flashcards on Untitled, created by 11alexander.aust on 19/01/2015.
Flashcards by 11alexander.aust, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 11alexander.aust over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ROM (Read-Only Memory)- Is the memory that can only be viewed and not edited. It contains all the essential data needed for booting and running the operating systems. ROM is heavily used in calculators and peripheral devices. RAM (Random Access Memory)- Is the disk that clears itself once the computer turns off. RAM disks are used when a program or application is open as it is over 1000 times faster than a standard hard disk.
RAM RAM (Random Access Memory)- Is the disk that clears itself once the computer turns off. RAM disks are used when a program or application is open as it is over 1000 times faster than a standard hard disk.
DRAM DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)- Is one type of RAM but it is refreshed over 1000 per second. This makes it slower than SRAM, but it is more common and less expensive.
SRAM SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)- Is the other type of RAM it is not refreshed and has access times of up to 10 nanoseconds. However it is so much more expensive than DRAM, even though it is up to 6 times faster.
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