Medicine Through Time Flash cards


This contains flash cards on the important people in the history if medisen
Flashcards by CraftingArmour, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CraftingArmour about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did Hippocrates do He came up with the theory of the four humors, maker of Hippocratic oath, one of first person to suggest that god's were not the cause of dises proses of recording medical data Diagnosis->Prognosis->Observation->treatment
What was Galen's impact to the medical sector Became doctor to the emperors son was taut in Alexandria to be doctor/sergon tested his practcice at gladiator theator made ring juments on the body. his reputation lasted till the renosonse
what did Avicenna wrote the "Canon of Medicine" it brought together the ideas of Aristotle, Galen and Hypocrites
Churches effect on medicen Positive effect: provided monasteries, Which provided small medical knowledge and a place which is clean. There negative effect: they ensured that no one had questioned galen's theories on the human body. this put a set back on medicine for a long time
middle ages, new developments in medicine more Schools sprung up. starting to doubt old texts. new Techniques, using urine to judge patients condition.
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