Footprints of the Past


Unit of Inquiry Vocabulary
Flashcards by 4nikigee, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 4nikigee about 9 years ago

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The study of the origin, behavior, and the physical, social and cultural development of humans. Anthropology is broken into 4 subcategories: archeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics and physical anthropology.
The scientific study of how people lived in the past through analysis of material remains uncovered during excavations or digs.
Someone who studies human history, particularly the culture of historic and prehistoric people, through discovery and explorations of remains, structures and writings.
A site where an archeological dig is being carried out.
Specialists who work on archaeological objects after they have been removed from the ground to try to conserve them and protect them from further damage.
An object made or used by humans.
Any location in which humans left some evidence of past activity.
Small digging space, usually about one meter by one meter.
Natural remains found in the archaeological site. For example: bones, seeds, teeth, seashells, plants and more.
Something man-made that cannot be removed from the dig site, such as floors, altars, walls, etc.
A layer of excavation. Levels are numbered from top to bottom, with the top layer being number one.
The division of an archaeological site into small squares making it easier to measure and document the site.
Each item found at the excavation site is given a unique number. This number corresponds to the area in which it was found, and the item number.
Layers of earth. When an archaeologist digs into the earth, they are actually digging through 'layers' of history.
Figuring out the age of things.
A way to document what is found and where when archaeologists are digging so that anyone can accurately reproduce the site using only the field notes and site maps.
The remains or imprints of plants and animals.
Underwater archaeology.
The study of fossils. Human paleontology is the study of human origins by excavating and looking at fossilized human skeletal remains.
A broken fragment of pottery.
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