Pop Ballads


Flashcards on Pop Ballads, created by C Berthon on 10/10/2013.
C Berthon
Flashcards by C Berthon, updated more than 1 year ago
C Berthon
Created by C Berthon over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what tempo are pop ballads (quite) slow
what is a ballad? a song that tells a story
what is the mood of most ballads? sad
what are most ballads about? love
what instruments would you hear in a rock ballad? heavy drums and amplified guitars
what instrument would you hear in a folk ballad? acoustic guitar?
Bob Dylan's most famous ballad Blowin' in the Wind
What styles are blended in Elton John's Your Song? soul, folk and jazz
the biggest selling ballad? Candle in the Wind by Elton John
what is the structure of a pop ballad? intro-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-instrumental-outro
when a song changes key towards the end it is called.. modulation
what is the normal length of a verse or chorus? 8 or 16 bars
what are block chords? when the notes of the chord are played at the same time
what are broken chords? when the notes of the chord are played seperately
what is singing unaccompanied called? a capella
what is vibrato? when the singer moves up and down slightly in pitch on one note (it makes it warmer and more expressive)
what is falsetto? when men make their voices go very high (Justin Timberlake or The Bee Gees)
When a singer slides from one note to another it is called.. portamento
what does 'riffing' mean? when a singer decorates or adds notes to a tune
what does the lead singer do? sings the main tune
which singers sing in harmony? the backing singers
what is 'call and response' when a lead singer is answered by the backing singers
what is a 'descant'? when a singer sings a higher tune which fits with the main tune
what does 'unison' mean all the singers sing the same tune
how do pop ballads start? with an intro
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