M364 Interaction Design Revision Flash Cards


Revision of interface Design
Flashcards by flyingwombat007, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by flyingwombat007 about 9 years ago

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Question Answer
What is good ID? Economic Safety Usability
List 4 interactive Types. pg 64 Instructing Conversing Manipulating Exploring
List 5 design principles for good ID and user experience. pg29 1: Visibility 2: Feedback 3: Constraints 4: Consistency 5: Affordance
What processes make up cognition? Describe each. pg94 Attention Perception Memory Learning reading, speaking and listening problem-solving, planning, decision making
Explain the different types of memory with cognition pg103-108 PIM (personal information management) Storing personal info, ie files folders: how is it managed? Recall Direct: Directly remembering eg URL Recognition based scanning: Scanning to find the info. Memory Load: Remembering all information in this digital age, ie passwords, safety words, memorable names
What is an effective aspect? pg182 Affective aspects is the generation of an emotional response. e.g. a smile is returned with a smile.
What is persuasive technologies? pg195 Interactive technology the persuades the user ie pop up adds on a web browser.
What does Anthropomorphism mean? pg199 It is to give human qualities to an object ie dressing a up a dog. Humanising the dog.
Four Key issues in data gathering are? pg292 Setting Goals The relationship participants Triangulation Pilot Studies
DECIDE Framework what does it stand for? (SQAPED) pg626 D etermine the Sub-goals E xplore the Questions C hoose the evaluation Approach I dentify the Practical Issues D ecide how to deal with Ethical Issues E valuate, analyse, interpret & present the Data
Name the 6 Usability Goals. pg20 Effectiveness Efficiency Safety Utility Learnability Memorability
Name 4 User experience Goals pg26 Satisfying aesthetically pleasing fun boring Emotionally fulfilling, Engaging, Supportive of Creativity, Entertaining,
What is the 10 Heuristic Evaluations (CHAMFER HUV) pg 686 C onsistency and standards H elp users recognise, diagnose & recover from errors. A esthetic and Minimalist design M atch between system an real world F lexibility and efficiency E rror prevention R ecognition rather than recall H elp & documentation U ser control and Freedom V isibility
List the 5 Main Methods used in evaluation. pg595 1. Observing users 2. Asking users their opinions 3. Asking experts opinions 4. Testing users performance 5. Modeling users task performance to predict efficiency of a interface.
What is the difference between "Use Case" and "Essential Use Case" Use case focuses on goals with exploring user-system interface. (every action written down) Essential Use Case represents abstractions from scenarios. (overall description)
What is Neilson"s HOMERUN advice for websites High-quality content Often updated Minimal download time Ease of use Relevant to users’ needs Unique to the online medium Netcentric corporate culture
Data interpretation explain the different types of averages: Mean Median Mode pg360 Mean is the sum all numbers divided by. Median is the middle value no. when the numbers are ranked. Mode is the most commonly occurring number.
Name Hofstede's Dimensions Power Distance (PD) Individualism (IND) Masculinity-Femininity (MAS) Uncertainty Avoidance(UA)
Explain Hi and Low Individualism Hi Individualism is everyone is expected to look after themselves and immediate family. Low IND is strong community collective group.
How does Masculinity (MAS) effect design: explain Difference in gender roles: i.e. HI MAS = website for men and one for women. Low MAS line is blurred. Motivation/attention grabbing: Hi MAS emphasis on games, competition & quick results. Low MAS emphasis on aesthetics
Name the different lifecycle models Simple Waterfall Rapid Application Development (RAD) Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) Agile
List All the user Characteristics AGED CAME Age Gender Education & Literacy Disabilities Culture Attitude towards interactive products Motivation for using interactive products Experience with similar products
Name The parts of a Conceptual Model 3 syllables = 3 parts Con cep tual What it does What it looks like How it behaves
Name the part of a mental model 2 syllables = 2 parts Men tal Knowledge of how it works Knowledge of how to use it
Explain what a mental model is. A mental model/picture that users have of a system their belief of how a system is. (Mental Image)
What is a Conceptual Model A Conceptual model is a high-level description of how a system is organized and operates
What are the 4 frameworks of pleasure and explain what they are. 1 Physio-Pleasure: bodily pleasures 2 Socio-Pleasure: sociable ie showing photos 3 Psycho-Pleasure: how it makes you feel. 4 Ideo-Pleasure: personal values eg hybrid car
Within the Evaluation of the decide framework what considerations need to be taken into account of ones data Reliability: How reliable is ones info or evaluation process Validity: does the evaluation process measure what it is intended to measure. Biases: interviews been influenced, expert bias, failing to notice Scope: How narrow or wide scope of evaluation eg keystroke model=narrow Ecological validity: environments that the evaluation process is done in e.g. lab, home, field
Name the 3 Key Characteristics of ID Process 1: Users should be involved through the development of the project 2: Specific usability & user experience goals should be identified 3: Iteration through the four activities is inevitable
What are the Seven methods of gathering data Interviews, Direct observation, Indirect observation, Questionnaires, studying documentation, focus groups and researching similar products
Name the 3 Evaluation Approaches Usability testing Analytical evaluation Field studies
What are the Seven interface types Mobile, Augmented reality, shareable, wearable, tangible, robotic, multimodal
What are the Four questions to ask when looking at the problem space Is there problems with the existing way of doing things? Why do you think there is problems? How will the product help? If the product is new, why would it improve the activities?
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