Chapter 5: Email Basics


Creating and managing an email account
Elizabeth Alessandro
Flashcards by Elizabeth Alessandro, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Alessandro
Created by Elizabeth Alessandro over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Email Provider A company that gives email services Examples: Gmail Yahoo Outlook
Email Address Identifies your personal mailbox. The two parts of an email address are a USERNAME and a DOMAIN NAME
Username A name you choose to identify your personal email address
Password A series of letters or numbers that allow only you to access your email account
Webmail An online email account
Attached/Attachment A file can be included with the message
Compose/New Message Write a new email
Drafts Folder that holds unsent messages you have written
Inbox Folder that holds read and unread emails you have received
Sent Folder that holds emails you mailed to other people
Spam Folder that holds emails you didn't solicit
Trash Folder holds deleted emails
Recipient Line Line in the email window that indicates who will receive the email
Subject Line Line in the email window where you can enter the topic of the email
Body Main message part of the email
Send Button The button you click to send the message you are writing
Reply To answer the person who originally sent you a message
Reply All To answer the person who originally sent you a message as well as anyone else who received the message
Forward To send a message you received to another person
Signature A signature in an email is a text that is with your name and contact information automatically added to the end of your email
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