KTFD L4 Vocab FT


ILR KTFD Vocab Flashcards on KTFD L4 Vocab FT, created by SLS Chinese Traditional on 17/08/2022.
SLS Chinese Traditional
Flashcards by SLS Chinese Traditional, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Chinese Traditional
Created by SLS Chinese Traditional almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
移民 (yímín) (v./n.) to migrate, immigrate; immigrant
境內 (jìngnèi) (adv./adj.) within the border
非法 (fēifǎ) (adj.) illegal, unlawful
不可否認 (bùkě fǒurèn) (phr.) undeniable
做出貢獻 (zuòchū gòngxiàn) (phr.) make contributions
建築業 (jiànzhùyè) (n.) construction industry
拿走 (názǒu) (v.) to take away
交稅 (jiāoshuì) (v+o) to pay taxes
得到 (dédào) (v.) to obtain (rewards, acknowledgement, etc.)
醫療 (yīliáo) (n.) health care
福利 (fúlì) (n.) welfare, (social, work) benefits
浪費 (làngfèi) (v./n.) to waste; waste
納稅人 (nàshuìrén) (n.) taxpayer
遣返 (qiǎnfǎn) (v.) to send back, deport
實際 (shíjì) (adj.) realistic
承諾 (chéngnuò) (v./n.) to promise, guarantee; promise, guarantee
加強 (jiāqiáng) (v.) to strengthen
邊境 (biānjìng) (n.) border
禁止 (jìnzhǐ) (v.) to prohibit, forbid
合法化 (héfǎhuà) (v.) to legitimize
建 (jiàn) (v.) to build, construct
邊境牆 (biānjìng qiáng) (n.) border wall
目的 (mùdì) (n.) purpose, motive
人道化 (réndàohuà) (v.) to make more humane
申請 (shēnqǐng) (v./n.) to apply for; application
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