Module 6: Just Enough Administration in Windows Server > Unit: Explain the concept of Just Enough Administration (JEA)


Flashcards on Module 6: Just Enough Administration in Windows Server > Unit: Explain the concept of Just Enough Administration (JEA), created by Rick Schoenman on 21/08/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Flashcards by Rick Schoenman, updated more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Created by Rick Schoenman almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Just Enough Administration (JEA)? JEA is a Powershell technique which allows the user to only use a specific subset of commands in a remote PowerShell session in order to increase security
Which account does JEA use when connected to an endpoint? A special privileged virtual account instead of the users account
Name 4 advantages of using a virtual account instead of the user's own account when connecting to the endpoint - The user's credentials are not stored on the remote system. - The user account that's used to connect to the endpoint does not need to be privileged. - The virtual account is limited to the system on which it is hosted. - the virtual account is local admin, but is limited to performing activities as defined by JEA.
For which tasks is JEA well suited? routine configuration tasks, for which the required tools are very clear
For which tasks is JEA not suited? Tasks where the problem and solution are not clearly defined, and therefore the required tools are not clear.
What is a requirement of using JEA? It can only be used in Windows PowerShell sessions, not in GUI's.
In which Operating Systems does JEA work? - Windows Server 2016 or later - Windows 10 or later
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