Module 6: Just Enough Administration in Windows Server > Unit: Create a session configuration file to register a JEA endpoint


Flashcards on Module 6: Just Enough Administration in Windows Server > Unit: Create a session configuration file to register a JEA endpoint, created by Rick Schoenman on 04/09/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Flashcards by Rick Schoenman, updated more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Created by Rick Schoenman almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does a Session Configuration file do? It states 'who' can access an endpoint and 'how' the endpoint is accessed. It also controls which roles the user is assigned and which identity is used by JEA's virtual account.
What extension does a Session Configuration file have? .pssc
Which Powershell Cmdlet is used to create a Sessions Configuration file? New-PSSessionConfigurationFile
What can a Session Configuration file configure, what can also be done by a Role Capability file? - VisibleAliases - VisibleFunctions - VisibleCmdlets - VisibleExternalCommands - VisisbleProviders
Name 5 settings that can be configured only with Session Configuration files - SessionType - RoleDefinitions - RunAsVirtualAccount - TranscriptDirectory - RunAsVirtualAccountGroup
In a Session Configuration file, which SessionType is used? RestrictedRemoteServer
In a Session Configuration file, what is done by the RoleDefinitions setting? It is used to assign role capabilities to specific security groups
In a Session Configuration file, what is done by the RunAsVirtualAccount setting? This settings allows JEA to use the privileged secure account created just for the JEA session. This account is member of the local Administrators group.
In a Session Configuration file, what is done by the TranscriptDirectory setting? This settings specifies where the JEA transcript is stored
In a Session Configuration file, what is done by the RunAsVirtualAccountGroup setting? This settings allows you to make the virtual account that is created for JEA member of a different group then the Administrators group
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